Day 1. Mon. 01/06/25 Prayer and fasting Focus
1. Father in the name of Jesus thank You for the multitudes You gathered into our church services online and in person, yesterday and for the encounter granted every worshipper through the prophetic word and the mystery of the communion in the name of Jesus. Ps.18:49; 103:1-5; Gen.21:1-3;
2. Father in the name of Jesus, We consecrate this 21 day Prayer and fasting program beginning today unto you; Father visit us in this program and advance your kingdom and your church; draw multitudes to participate; save the lost, deliver the oppressed, heal the sick, break yokes, change stories and show yourself mighty in our midst in the name of Jesus. Isa.58:6
3. Father in the name of Jesus, we consecrate ourselves to you forever; we confess our sins and repent of every disobedience and everything we have done or left undone, so far, individually and collectively, on behalf of our families, our churches, our communities and our nation that may hinder our fellowship with you during this program. Have mercy and cleanse us from every unrighteousness in Jesus name. - 1Jn.1:8-9; Ps.51:1-17; 2Cor.7:1; 2Chron.7:14;
4. Father in the name of Jesus, empower each one of us with the spirit of grace and supplication to prevail on the prayer altar and the discipline and determination to focus and make this exercise count; let every plan of the enemy against this exercise be dismantled and frustrated in the name of Jesus. Zech.12:10; Heb.4:16;
5. Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for your prophetic agenda and plan for me this year; I believe it, I receive it, and I submit to its demands and responsibilities. Father let every component of my Isaac heritage and packages you have prepared for me, my family and this church in 2025 be fully delivered without any struggle or delay in the name of Jesus. Gen.21:1-3 2Chron.20:20; Jer.29:11-13;
6. Father in the name of Jesus, on this prayer mountain, let every question in my life and family be answered; let every confusion be cleared; let every mystery concerning my life and family be unraveled; let every mountain before me and my family become a plain, and let all my prayers and that of every member of this church all through this year always received favorable answers from you in the name of Jesus. Isa.58:9; Jer.33:3; Ps.91:15; Jn.11:41-42; Dan.10:10-13;
7. Father in the name of Jesus, this year I step into my place of dominion over all the forces of nature and creation and bring the year 2025 and the events of it under my control for my life, my family, this church and all her members in the name of Jesus. Ps.8:6;
8. Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree Your vengeance upon every agent of the devil resisting the continuous growth of this Church, and let the effect be evident in all our services this year. -Is. 63:4
9. Father in the name of Jesus, breathe upon our efforts in this church to bring in the harvest of the multitudes into the kingdom this year in the name of Jesus. Lk.5:4-5;
10. Father in the name of Jesus. Place in my heart today your specific vision for my life in 2025 in the name of Jesus. Hab.2:1-2;
Prophetic Declaration
As the Lord lives, the God who answered Daniel on the first day of his 21 day fast, shall answer you speedily as you set your mind to join us in this 21 day prayer and fasting program in the mighty name of Jesus. Dan.10:11-12; Your expectations in 2025 shall arrive early according to psalm 90:14; before the end of the first quarter God shall satisfy you with mercy and fulfill all your expectations for the year; God shall do a quick work in your life; He shall hasten His word to perform it; His word shall run swiftly in your life from henceforth; This year shall answer unto you; this year shall be subject unto you; this year shall submit to what you say; this year shall work for you; this year shall yield its strength and productivity to you; this year cannot resist you; this year shall celebrate you; this year shall answer to its name as the year of your Isaac in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen! Good morning and have a gracious day!
2. Father in the name of Jesus, We consecrate this 21 day Prayer and fasting program beginning today unto you; Father visit us in this program and advance your kingdom and your church; draw multitudes to participate; save the lost, deliver the oppressed, heal the sick, break yokes, change stories and show yourself mighty in our midst in the name of Jesus. Isa.58:6
3. Father in the name of Jesus, we consecrate ourselves to you forever; we confess our sins and repent of every disobedience and everything we have done or left undone, so far, individually and collectively, on behalf of our families, our churches, our communities and our nation that may hinder our fellowship with you during this program. Have mercy and cleanse us from every unrighteousness in Jesus name. - 1Jn.1:8-9; Ps.51:1-17; 2Cor.7:1; 2Chron.7:14;
4. Father in the name of Jesus, empower each one of us with the spirit of grace and supplication to prevail on the prayer altar and the discipline and determination to focus and make this exercise count; let every plan of the enemy against this exercise be dismantled and frustrated in the name of Jesus. Zech.12:10; Heb.4:16;
5. Father in the name of Jesus, thank you for your prophetic agenda and plan for me this year; I believe it, I receive it, and I submit to its demands and responsibilities. Father let every component of my Isaac heritage and packages you have prepared for me, my family and this church in 2025 be fully delivered without any struggle or delay in the name of Jesus. Gen.21:1-3 2Chron.20:20; Jer.29:11-13;
6. Father in the name of Jesus, on this prayer mountain, let every question in my life and family be answered; let every confusion be cleared; let every mystery concerning my life and family be unraveled; let every mountain before me and my family become a plain, and let all my prayers and that of every member of this church all through this year always received favorable answers from you in the name of Jesus. Isa.58:9; Jer.33:3; Ps.91:15; Jn.11:41-42; Dan.10:10-13;
7. Father in the name of Jesus, this year I step into my place of dominion over all the forces of nature and creation and bring the year 2025 and the events of it under my control for my life, my family, this church and all her members in the name of Jesus. Ps.8:6;
8. Father, in the name of Jesus, we decree Your vengeance upon every agent of the devil resisting the continuous growth of this Church, and let the effect be evident in all our services this year. -Is. 63:4
9. Father in the name of Jesus, breathe upon our efforts in this church to bring in the harvest of the multitudes into the kingdom this year in the name of Jesus. Lk.5:4-5;
10. Father in the name of Jesus. Place in my heart today your specific vision for my life in 2025 in the name of Jesus. Hab.2:1-2;
Prophetic Declaration
As the Lord lives, the God who answered Daniel on the first day of his 21 day fast, shall answer you speedily as you set your mind to join us in this 21 day prayer and fasting program in the mighty name of Jesus. Dan.10:11-12; Your expectations in 2025 shall arrive early according to psalm 90:14; before the end of the first quarter God shall satisfy you with mercy and fulfill all your expectations for the year; God shall do a quick work in your life; He shall hasten His word to perform it; His word shall run swiftly in your life from henceforth; This year shall answer unto you; this year shall be subject unto you; this year shall submit to what you say; this year shall work for you; this year shall yield its strength and productivity to you; this year cannot resist you; this year shall celebrate you; this year shall answer to its name as the year of your Isaac in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen! Good morning and have a gracious day!
Day 11. Thurs. 01/16/24 Prayer and Fasting Focus
January 16th, 2025
Day 10. Wed. 01/15/25 Prayer and Fasting Focus
January 15th, 2025
Day 9. Tue. 01/14/25 Prayer and Fasting focus
January 14th, 2025
Day 8. Mon. 01/13/25 Prayer and Fasting focus
January 13th, 2025
Day 5. Fri. 01/10/25 Prayer and Fasting focus
January 10th, 2025
Day 1. Mon. 01/06/25 Prayer and fasting FocusDay 2. Tues. 01/07/24 Prayer and fasting FocusDay 3.Wed. 01/08/25 Prayer and fasting FocusDay 4. Thurs. 01/09/25 Prayer and Fasting FocusDay 5. Fri. 01/10/25 Prayer and Fasting focusDay 8. Mon. 01/13/25 Prayer and Fasting focusDay 9. Tue. 01/14/25 Prayer and Fasting focusDay 10. Wed. 01/15/25 Prayer and Fasting FocusDay 11. Thurs. 01/16/24 Prayer and Fasting Focus
Tuesday 05/02/23 Prayer FocusWednesday 05/02/23 Prayer FocusThursday 05/04/23 Prayer FocusTuesday 05/09/23 Prayer FocusWednesday 05/10/23 Prayer FocusFriday 05/12/23 Prayer FocusMonday 05/15/23 Prayer FocusTuesday 05/16/23 Prayer FocusWednesday 05/17/23 Prayer FocusThursday 05/18/23 Prayer FocusFriday 05/17/23 Prayer FocusMonday 05/22/23 Prayer FocusWednesday 05/23/23 Prayer FocusThursday 05/25/23 Prayer FocusFriday 05/26/23 Prayer FocusMonday 05/29/23 Prayer FocusTuesday 05/30/23 Prayer FocusWednesday 05/31/23 Prayer Focus
Thursday 06/01/23 Prayer FocusMonday 06/5/23 Prayer FocusTuesday 06/06/23 Prayer FocusWednesday 06/07/23 Prayer FocusFriday 06/09/23 Prayer FocusMonday 06/12/23 Prayer FocusWednesday 06/15/23 Prayer FocusTuesday 06/19/23 Prayer FocusTuesday 06/20/23 Prayer FocusWednesday 06/21/23 Prayer FocusThursday 06/22/23 Prayer FocusMonday 06/26/23 Prayer FocusTuesday 06/27/23 Prayer FocusWednesday 06/28/23 Prayer FocusThursday 06/29/23 Prayer Focus
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