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Prophetic Prayers October 2024: Friday Fire Service With Pastor David Okumgba - 10.04.24
Shiloh Fire Service 10/04/24
Prophetic Prayers October 2024
Our Month of Divine Order
Pastor Margaret Okumgba
2024 My Year of Power and Glory
Shiloh Tabernacle Houston
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Prophetic Prayers Oct. 2024. Matt.6:9-10; Prov.19:21; Jer.29:11; Isa.46:10; Isa.14:27
This is our month of divine order and there is nothing that establishes order than the will of God. The will of God is the epitome of order. The will of God is the solution to all our problems. The kingdom of God is the answer to all our prayers. That is why Jesus taught us to pray " thy kingdom come, they will be done on earth… Pray with us.Â