Online Membership

Don't miss out on any of our services. You can still participate fully.

  • Join in the praise and worship session
  • Give an offering or donation
  • Connect with other members on the platform as in a normal physical after-service setting. 
You'll love the connection as you experience the Glory of God!

Become an Online Member

You can be a member from any part of the world.

To become an online member

1. Complete the following form and submit
2. Follow and subscribe to all our social media pages
3. Take our online membership class
4. Be born again
5. Subscribe to our membership covenant

Click below to fill form

Fill this form

You are now an online member.

Once you are a member;

  1. Download WhatsApp to your phone and we will add you to the church's WhatsApp platform where you can receive daily prayers and Prophetic Word and interact with other members.
  2. As a member, you can also be trained to lead or be part of a home cell fellowship in your neighbourhood no matter where you are in the world and build a community of believers amongst your neighbours for spiritual maturity and ministry. Details of this shall be provided shortly.
  3. Also Download our app to follow up on all our services, daily prayers and declarations, Shiloh Gospel TV, social media posts, and the Prayer Wall, where we pray for each other

Benefits of Membership

  1. Prophetic Covering of the Mantle of this Ministry. Hos.12:13; Jer.3:15
  2. Possessing your possession/inheritance. Ob.1:17; Heb.12:22-23;
  3. All other things added. Matt.6:33
  4. Impact others and the kingdom. 2Cor.5:18-20; Matt.5:14-16; Eph.5:8;
  5. A spiritual family. Rom.12:10; Gal.6:10; Eph.2:19;
  6. Transformation into Leadership and greatness. 1Sam.22:1-2; 2Sam.23:8-38;
  7. Fulfill your glorious destiny, fulfillment and Joy, eternal life and much more! Job.36:11; Ex.23:25-26; Rom.8:19:
  8. Unlimited Access to the ministry and leadership

Membership class



Now that you are a member, don't forget to share the good news with your family and friends, as this is a key and vital charge to all Christians in Mark 16:15 and Romans 1:16.
Invite others by sharing these fliers below on your social media and emails.

Be blessed!